

When Carl was a boy, he often wore goggles and a helmet because he imagined he was an explorer. Now Carl is an old man and he has to go to live in a home for the elderly. But when two men come to take Carl to the home, they hear a loud noise and see something amazing! Thousands of balloons on ropes are coming out of the chimney, pulling the house UP into the air! Read about Carl’s amazing adventure.EAN: 9781292346922

Język angielski

teatr kukiełkowy, ukraińskie rozmówki, idziemy spać, demografia niemiec, paweł k heidi, jednorazowa amortyzacja 2018 pomoc de minimis, tolerowanie, ustawa o ogłaszaniu aktów normatywnych, studia w norwegii, podstawa zasiłku chorobowego 2019
