Oxbow says: This book explores how memory can be studied archaeologically by focusing on the relationship between people and artefacts and trying to understand how this material world provides a framework or map for remembrance. Using examples from across Neolithic and Bronze Age Britain and Europe, though predominantly drawing on evidence from Scotland, Andrew Jones presents a very interesting discussion on our perceptions of objects, what they mean, how we categorise them, and how they can be used to access the past. Rather than considering memory as coming wholly from the internal workings of the mind, Jones argues that it comes through peoples encounters with the material world, and therefore stresses the importance of participation and engagement with that world as an aide memoire . „Memory and Material is an engaging and valuable book.” -Peter S. Wells, Journal of Anthropological Research1. Memory and material culture?; 2. From memory to commemoration; 3. People, time and remembrance; 4. Improvising culture; 5. Continuous houses, perpetual places; 6. Culture, citation and categorisation; 7. Chains of memory; 8. The art of memory; 9. Tracing the past; 10. Coda.
Nauki humanistyczne i społeczne
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