Cambridge Young Learners English Tests (Revised Edition) Flyers Książka Nauczyciela, Książka Ucznia Plus Audio CD



Four complete practice tests, in colour, to provide 7-12 year-olds with realistic practice that reflects the real Cambridge ESOL (YLE) Test – Flyers level.
* Written by a highly experienced author who has a thorough knowledge of the YLE Tests.
* For use with any primary course.
* Complimentary Audio CD in both Students and Teachers Packs.
* Teachers Book includes Teaching tips, Tips for the test, and revision.
* Completes the YLE practice test series: Starters, Movers and Flyers.

Język angielski

ola kowalska wiek, organy spółki akcyjnej, podatek dochodowy 19 procent, największe kraje, marcin sońta, faktura na zadatek
